
No. Subject Name Date Hits
35 Introduction to Korean Royal Cuisine in May, 2012 by OBS TV 관리자 2016-11-02 37069
34 "Master Hye-seong Hwang and her daughters" Part 2 (by EBS, TV, in 2012) 관리자 2016-11-02 37008
33 "Master Hye-seong Hwang and her daughters" Part 1 (by EBS, TV, in 2012) 관리자 2016-11-02 36955
32 Philips with Jihwaja in February, 2012. 관리자 2016-11-02 38712
31 "家庭画報" Japanese magazine article to introduce Jihwaja in January, 2012. 관리자 2016-11-02 37407
30 Master Bok-ryo Han won the "Achievement award" by President in 2011 관리자 2016-11-05 36941
29 To the Night of Korea's Royal COSTUME & CUISINE in 2011, Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY 관리자 2016-11-05 36966
28 "Hotel & Restaurant" Magazine article to introduce Jihwaja in September, 2011. 관리자 2016-11-02 37096
27 "Noblesse" Magazine article to introduce Jihwaja in September, 2011. 관리자 2016-11-02 36814
26 "HEREN" Magazine interview of Moon-ye Kim(Chef of Jihwaja) in 2011. 관리자 2016-11-02 37022
25 "Master Bok-ryo Han" (by Financial News, broadcaster, in 2010) 관리자 2016-11-02 36764
24 "Women Joseon" Magazine interview of Moon-ye Kim(Chef of Jihwaja) in 2010. 관리자 2016-11-02 36496
23 "ESSEN" Magazine interview of Soon-hwa Lee(Executive Chef of Jihwaja) in 2009. 관리자 2016-11-02 36558
22 "飮食男女" Japanese magazine interview of Soon-hwa Lee(Executive Chef of Jihwaja) in 2008. 관리자 2016-11-02 36784
21 "Women Joseon" Magazine interview of Soon-hwa Lee(Executive Chef of Jihwaja) in 2008. 관리자 2016-11-02 36272
20 "MOOK" Japanese magazine article to introduce Jihwaja in October, 2007. 관리자 2016-11-02 36363
19 Korean magazine interview of Bok-ryo Han(3rd Master) and Gil-ja Jeong(3rd Master). 관리자 2016-11-02 36697
18 "FRIDAY" Magazine interview of Soon-hwa Lee(Executive Chef of Jihwaja) in 2007. 관리자 2016-11-02 36426
17 "RIRAKU" Japanese magazine article to introduce Jihwaja in August, 2007. 관리자 2016-11-02 49971
16 "るるぶ(RURUBU)" Japanese magazine article to introduce Jihwaja in January, 2007. 관리자 2016-11-02 36531
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