Banquet for Korea-Japan summit meeting
Name : 한용규( Date : 2023-05-14 Hits : 11957
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The Japanese prime minister and his wife visited Korea and enjoyed dinner with the Korean president and his wife. The dinner was served with a variety of royal dishes, and the representative food was nine kinds of dishes.
The nine-fold board is the name of the vessel and the name of the praise. It is a tribute to the Royal Degustation Course in Nagoya, and is made of various and clean ingredients, and is loved by many customers. Personally, I think it's the best pre-meal dish. As you can see in the picture, it's a woodblock divided into nine squares
It is a dish where you wrap eight ingredients (shiitake mushrooms, salmon roe, carrot, cucumber, beef, egg yolk, bamboo shoots, bean sprouts) in the middle and eat them. It is a polite, clean and healthy ingredient that further enhances the taste of our customers. Since you enjoyed the representative pleasures of court cuisine, I hope you will be more energetic and try to make the friendship between Korea and Japan closer. 
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